Data Management services

Free your data

Unique approach

Our unique metadata-driven approach greatly simplifies development, testing, and maintenance of data management tasks.

Minimized costs

Data management projects are implemnted by small teams in short terms.

Easy development

Instead of writing straightforward code or building static complex data flows, we create metadata which defines data structures, data validation rules, data historization algorithms, processes etc.

Fast processing

Data management processes (data load, data validation, data historization, etc.) are executed efficiently and quickly due to usage of highly optimized program code and parallel data processing.

About MDIS Data Management Services

Our team can do more
Data integration is not hard

Our services are targetted for fast and efficient implementation of innovative and technically complex projects. Our services and knowledge are helpful in the Data Warehousing, Data Integration, Data Quality Management, Master Data Management, and in other Data Management areas. The most challenging and time-consuming tasks, like data extraction, data quality verification, processing of incorrect data, data historization (tracking data changes over time), and process orchestration, are implemented quickly and efficiently.

  • Time of project implemantion tasks, like development, testing, implemenation of changes is signitificantly decreased. As a result, overall project implemenation time is reduced.

  • Number of data load incidents and number of cases when data was incorrectly formed, is signitificantly decreased. As a result, maintanance of data management system is easier.

    *Statistics are collected by comparing the same size projects implemented with plain program code vs projects implemented with MDIS software.


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